Saturday 26 September 2009

The Changing Face of Jennifer Lopez- People Magazine

The outfit Jennifer wears in this image is not shown clearly and is a neutral colour of beige which differs from the other images. This outfit is not being worn to make her seem stylish or sexy but to draw less attention from her onto her children who are wearing newborn outfits. The babies white and blue outfits stand out more than Jennifer's making them seem more important. Jennifer is wearing a very soft touch of make-up and her her hair is in an ordinary messy bun. This, and her outfit, make her appear more casual and shows the difference between her glamorous life and home life. She is portrayed in such a way to show her as a mother rather than a celebrity.

Facial Expression: In this image she has a wide smile on her face making her seem really happy. Though this makes her look attractive this expression is meant to portray her as a happy mother. This draws in readers who want to know why she seems so happy.

Body Language: She is sitting on a sofa relaxed while holding her two children. This makes her appear as if she is at home which shows us her motherly side. Also the way she has her arms round her children shows that they are just as important as her in the image.

Framing and Camera Shot: For this image a mid-shot is used which allows readers to get a closer look at Jennifer and her children. This shot shows her and her children clearly which shows readers how proud she is as a mother.

Setting, Colour and Lighting: The image is set on a sofa which represents home life and readers can identify with this. This image has very neutral colours such as beige and white which give create a homely atmosphere. Gentle lighting has been used which matches the colour scheme.

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