Saturday 26 September 2009

The Changing Face of Jennifer Lopez- InStyle Magazine

Costume: Jennifer is wearing a very stylish black and white dress. The colours are bold and make Jennifer seem more elegant. This dress shows the audience how fashionable she is and represents her glamorous lifestyle.

Facial Expression: This image shows Jennifer smiling softly making her appear more mature as well as attractive. As she is looking directly into the camera showing a direct mode of address this tells us that she wants a friendly relationship with the audience.

Body Language: Jennifer is standing straight with her hand on her hip. This shows us her confidence, her curves and the detail of her dress which represents her glamorous lifestyle and star status. She is presented in a much softer way than if she was facing forwards. This represents a more elegant side to her than the image on the FHM cover.

Framing and Camera Shot: A mid-shot is used for this image. This gives readers a clear view of her as she is the main attraction on the magazine. It shows us her mode of address, her figure and her dress which helps to draw in readers.

Setting, Colour and Lighting: The setting in this image is a plain white background. This helps Jennifer stand out more on the cover and the readers to focus on her as she is the main attraction of the image.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Melisha a good first attempt. Think about these points:
    -what are the connotations of the colour beige in the People cover?
    -why has a long shot been used on the FHM cover and what other meaning could the kneeling have?
    -what are the connotations of the white background?

    Overall good use of media language and some interesting points raised.

    Current Grade: C+
