Sunday 27 September 2009

The Changing Face of Jennifer Lopez- FHM Magazine

Costume: This image show Jennifer wearing only underwear (bra and knickers). As this magazine has a male audience this image may draw in readers who find this image appealing. What she is wearing in this image allows us to see a very clear view of her body which tells us that she wants to show all.

Facial Expression: In this image she is not smiling but slightly pouting which contrasts between the other images of her. This makes her appear more sexual as she seems serious and many of the targeted audience would find this appealing. As she is looking into the camera this indicates a direct mode of address to the audience which draws them towards the magazine.

Body Language: Jennifer is kneeling with her hand on her hip which may represent authority showing how famous she is. This pose also shows her curves off which goes with the image's theme of sex appeal.

Framing and Camera Shot: For this image a long shot has been used which has captured the whole of Jennifer's body. This shot also shows how Jennifer has been put in front of the magazine title which shows how important she is. In a long shot the image is not as close which attracts the audience to come closer to see the image.

Setting, Colour and Lighting: The colours used for this image are blue, white and beige which goes with what Jennifer is wearing and makes it seem as though she is on the beach. The image is set in front of a blue backdrop and the floor is sandy which contributes to the beach theme. The colours in the image also make Jennifer stand out more, highlighting her body and her importance. The lighting is soft giving a sunny atmosphere and this seems to give relevance to what Jennifer is wearing.

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