Sunday 27 September 2009

The Changing Face of Jennifer Lopez- FHM Magazine

Costume: This image show Jennifer wearing only underwear (bra and knickers). As this magazine has a male audience this image may draw in readers who find this image appealing. What she is wearing in this image allows us to see a very clear view of her body which tells us that she wants to show all.

Facial Expression: In this image she is not smiling but slightly pouting which contrasts between the other images of her. This makes her appear more sexual as she seems serious and many of the targeted audience would find this appealing. As she is looking into the camera this indicates a direct mode of address to the audience which draws them towards the magazine.

Body Language: Jennifer is kneeling with her hand on her hip which may represent authority showing how famous she is. This pose also shows her curves off which goes with the image's theme of sex appeal.

Framing and Camera Shot: For this image a long shot has been used which has captured the whole of Jennifer's body. This shot also shows how Jennifer has been put in front of the magazine title which shows how important she is. In a long shot the image is not as close which attracts the audience to come closer to see the image.

Setting, Colour and Lighting: The colours used for this image are blue, white and beige which goes with what Jennifer is wearing and makes it seem as though she is on the beach. The image is set in front of a blue backdrop and the floor is sandy which contributes to the beach theme. The colours in the image also make Jennifer stand out more, highlighting her body and her importance. The lighting is soft giving a sunny atmosphere and this seems to give relevance to what Jennifer is wearing.

Saturday 26 September 2009

The Changing Face of Jennifer Lopez- People Magazine

The outfit Jennifer wears in this image is not shown clearly and is a neutral colour of beige which differs from the other images. This outfit is not being worn to make her seem stylish or sexy but to draw less attention from her onto her children who are wearing newborn outfits. The babies white and blue outfits stand out more than Jennifer's making them seem more important. Jennifer is wearing a very soft touch of make-up and her her hair is in an ordinary messy bun. This, and her outfit, make her appear more casual and shows the difference between her glamorous life and home life. She is portrayed in such a way to show her as a mother rather than a celebrity.

Facial Expression: In this image she has a wide smile on her face making her seem really happy. Though this makes her look attractive this expression is meant to portray her as a happy mother. This draws in readers who want to know why she seems so happy.

Body Language: She is sitting on a sofa relaxed while holding her two children. This makes her appear as if she is at home which shows us her motherly side. Also the way she has her arms round her children shows that they are just as important as her in the image.

Framing and Camera Shot: For this image a mid-shot is used which allows readers to get a closer look at Jennifer and her children. This shot shows her and her children clearly which shows readers how proud she is as a mother.

Setting, Colour and Lighting: The image is set on a sofa which represents home life and readers can identify with this. This image has very neutral colours such as beige and white which give create a homely atmosphere. Gentle lighting has been used which matches the colour scheme.

The Changing Face of Jennifer Lopez- Cosmopolitan Magazine

On this cover Jennifer is wearing a summery dress with exotic colours featured such as red, orange and yellow. This flatters her figure and is slightly revealing making her appear sexier. She is wearing less make-up than she is on the InStyle cover and her hair is let down and wavy. This gives her a more natural look whilst looking exotic and sexy which may inspire readers to be like her. Her dress is very stylish which also attracts readers who are into fashion.

Facial Expression: Here Jennifer poses with a more natural look with her mouth slightly open. This makes her appear fun and this brings us back to the dress she is wearing which is summery. We can also see her face very clearly which gives readers a closer look.

Body Language: Jennifer is standing straight with her hands placed on her thighs . This makes her seem relaxed which links to summer where people are usually presented in this manner.

Framing and Camera Shot: A mid-shot is used for this image which not only shows a clear view or her but also the detail of her dress. This may draw in readers with fashion interest. The shot gives us a full view of her figure making her appear more sexy.

Setting, Colour and Lighting: A red backdrop is used for this image which indicates various consequences. For one, red is a passionate colour and represents love. It is also a very sexual colour and represents heat which links to the summer theme and Jennifer's look for this image. This background also matches the dress Jennifer is wearing and the fonts of the written text.

The Changing Face of Jennifer Lopez- InStyle Magazine

Costume: Jennifer is wearing a very stylish black and white dress. The colours are bold and make Jennifer seem more elegant. This dress shows the audience how fashionable she is and represents her glamorous lifestyle.

Facial Expression: This image shows Jennifer smiling softly making her appear more mature as well as attractive. As she is looking directly into the camera showing a direct mode of address this tells us that she wants a friendly relationship with the audience.

Body Language: Jennifer is standing straight with her hand on her hip. This shows us her confidence, her curves and the detail of her dress which represents her glamorous lifestyle and star status. She is presented in a much softer way than if she was facing forwards. This represents a more elegant side to her than the image on the FHM cover.

Framing and Camera Shot: A mid-shot is used for this image. This gives readers a clear view of her as she is the main attraction on the magazine. It shows us her mode of address, her figure and her dress which helps to draw in readers.

Setting, Colour and Lighting: The setting in this image is a plain white background. This helps Jennifer stand out more on the cover and the readers to focus on her as she is the main attraction of the image.