Friday 5 February 2010

Proposal and Questionnaire

The genre i have chosen for my music magazine is 70's Punk, featuring other genres from this time such as Ska and Reggae. The audience i have chosen is 16-30 year olds, both male and female. This audience will be interested in punk, reggae and ska music. They will be located in the United Kingdom. This magazine is needed in the market as there are no magazines based on these genres today and many audiences seem to find this era of music appealing .


1. Which magazine do you prefer to buy?
a) Monthly b) Weekly c) Fortnightly

2. Which genre of music do you prefer? (you can tick more than one)
a) Punk b) Indie c) Reggae d) RnB

3. What freebies would you like to get with the magazine?
a) Posters b) CD’s c) Badges

4. What interests you in buying the magazine?
a) Band reviews b) Interviews c) Posters d) Gossip

5. How much are you willing to pay for a magazine?
a) £1.50 b) £2.00 c) £2.50

6. Do you read any other magazines?

7. If yes, please state which ones.

8. Which do you prefer to see in a magazine?
a) Old artists b) New artists c) Both

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