Saturday 6 February 2010

Analysing Questionnaire Results

I handed out copies of my questionnaire which helped me find useful information for when i make my magazine.

These questions helped me find that most people prefer to buy a magazine that is released weekly, this would be quicker for the audience to purchase the magazine after reading an issue. I found that out of the following music genres: Punk, Indie, Reggae and RnB, most people would prefer Punk. This has helped me decide to stick with using Punk as my magazine theme. I found that most people would like to have badges free with the magazine but also that most people are interested in a magzine with free posters. As most people are drawn to magazines with posters, i will include this feature in my magazine. Most people are willing to pay £2.00 for a magazine. I find this a reasonable price for a magazine and is different from most music magazines which charge slightly higher. Most people do read other magazines which tells me that more of my target audience will be most likely to buy my magazine. Most people would like to see both old artists and new artists. However, as my magazine will be based on old artists i will also include new artists inspired by the old artists in my magazine.

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