Thursday 4 March 2010

Article Analysis: Q

The choice of artist is a singer called Cheryl Cole. She is well known from the pop group Girls Aloud. This suggests that the target audience may be teenagers into pop music as Girls Aloud appeals to this audience. The article may appeal to other audiences such as males from the ages 18-25. This is as Cheryl is well known for being an attractive young woman. The language used in the article is both formal. It approaches the audience as an intelligent and knowledgable fan using phrases such as, 'her individual achievements have eclipsed even those of Girls Aloud'. This shows that the article is aiming for an older audience as it has more of an academic quality. The article refers to other pop groups tht fans of Cheryl Cole may know of, 'festivals with Radiohead and Arctic Monkeys cover versions are all very well..' It also mentions singles by Cheryl Cole, 'And so 3 Words has a modern R&B flavour'. A simple black font is used matching the font on the cover. This suggests a simple style for the magazine. The majority of the article is taken up by images. The article is spread around the images on some pages and the others are based on just an image. This makes it clear that Cheryl is the main attraction of the article and also because of her new importance to the music world and good looks which are well known by people in Britain. One image has an anchorage text below it which reads, 'Everything I do is scrutinised. Everything i fucking say.' This suggests that the singer is fed up which shows readers that the article is based on her emotions as well as her music. This is highlighted in capital letters which shows that Q wants this to be noticable while reading the article. It makes the article both formal and informal with the use of swearing which brings us back to the target audience, this would not offend an older audience. Cheryl is portrayed in an attractive and serious way. She is not smiling in any of them but pouting. She is wearing alot of black and leather which presents her in a sexual way. The style of the images reflect the film 'Sin City' which readers will be able to relate to. One image has a reading which reduced the serious atmosphere, 'Wa-hey, i should of brought me brolly pet'. This shows that Q wants bring in some humour to make the article not so serious. The article demands some prior knowledge about Cheryl Coles life and career such as her husband Ashley Cole and hits by Girls Aloud. This, however, would be well known to people in Britain but is explained in detail to make sure readers understand what it the article is referring to.

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