Thursday 28 January 2010

Analysing Title Blocks

Q magazine logo: The target audience for this magazine is 16+ males. The logo is red and white featuring a large white Q in a read square. These colours are the same as the English flag which tells readers that it is a British magazine. The loud red and simple white connotes that the readership may be a contrast of loud and quiet artists. The title of the magazine 'Q'; originally it was meant to be called Cue (as in the sense of queing a record, ready to play). This makes the logo stand out from the other one word titled magazines.

Mixmag logo: The target audience for this magazine is 16+ year old male and females. The colour of the logo is orange in funky, bold lettering which makes it stand out. As orange is a stand out colour it tells the audience that the readership may stand out with a colouful theme. The title is two words put together which tells readers that the magazine is different in its readership. Another part of the logo is the writing underneath which reads 'the worlds biggest dance music and clubbing magazine'. As the font is small it draws in readers to take a close look, its bold black letters make it stand out so it is noticed by readers letting them know what sort of music their magazine is based on.

Kerrang magazine logo: The target audience for this magazine is 15-25 year old male and females. The magazines name is onomatopoeic and refers to the sound made when strumming a chord on an electric guitar. This reflects the genre of the music which is rock. The font seems to be disorted on the edges with a blood stain on one letter. This lets the audience know that the readership will be on hardcore bands as blood relates to death and the rough edges connote that the magazine is edgy. The logo seems to have cracks as if it has been smashed which connotes the recklessness of its readership. The font is in black and white and capital letters which connotes the boldness of the magazine. It tells the readers that the bands inside will not be colourful, the colours black and white are stereotypically 'emo' colours.

NME magazine logo: NME stands for 'New Musical Express', this would make readers curious about who they are and if their kind of music will be inside the magazine. The target audience for this magazine is 15-22 year old males. The colours on the logo are red, white and black and the font is big and bold. The colours red and white also represent the english flag which tells readers that it is a British magazine. This makes the logo stand out which tells the audience that the magazine is different from the rest. The 3 colours are bold which makes it easier for readers to find it. The magazine is pronounced 'enemy' which tells readers that the readership may be anarchic with other music as its enemy.

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